Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Story About My Fiancé; or, How We Got Our Reception Site

As is often the case, it would seem that I spoke (or wrote) too soon when I posted about the continued reception site search.

Mike called the woman we met with at OSV (as Old Sturbridge Village will henceforth be known) on Friday. He told her that we had thought about it, and decided that we really couldn't manage to have our wedding before the end of April. He went on to tell her how much we loved the place, and how we really wanted to get married there, but that we just couldn't afford their regular price. He asked her if there was any way they could give us that price for November, and after a short check with her boss, she said yes!

So we're looking at the two dates they've offered us in November, and we will shortly be setting a date! I'm so excited, and yet again feeling very lucky to have Mike.


  1. woo hoo! Good job Mike!

  2. That is so cool! For all my many trips down there I don't think I've ever actually made it to Old Sturbridge Village. I imagine it'll be a fabulous place for a wedding though!

  3. It's a great location and it's wonderful they're extending the discounted price for you! :)
