Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So today, I go off to my first lone appointment. I'm headed to Danielson Flowers in Shrewsbury, MA, to have my first floral consultation. Mike is in Florida, and even if he weren't, I probably wouldn't drag him along to the initial floral visits. I'll definitely go over the information with him, but he doesn't need to sit and watch me talk about flowers.

However, this does mean that I need to prepare myself in a few ways. I need to have all the questions I want to ask in mind. I have to remember everything I need to bring (wedding binder, bridesmaid shawl, pen and paper). And I have to prepare myself to talk to someone I don't know about something I don't know much about. That is the only reason I really wish Mike were going to be there, since he's good at talking to people. Ah well.

Since this is the first appointment, it will certainly be educational. This place doesn't do pre-priced packages, which may or may not be a good thing. I'll find out what they can do, and how much they can do it for. And if it doesn't work, I'll move on. Anyway, wish me luck!

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